The Death of Sir Frederick Banting
and its connection with Kidderminster

This picture shows Sir Frederick Banting, shown in WW2 uniform. He is famous for his work in discovering insulin the first known drug for treating diabetes. For that he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1923. He died in an air crash on his way from Canada to the UK early in 1941 whilst on active war duty. This is the fascinating story of the fatal crash and it connection with Kidderminster.
Read the full account by clicking on the link: The Death of Sir Frederick Banting
The main subject of the story, Sir Frederick Banting, made his formidable reputation as the main motivator in the discovery and implementation of insulin to treat diabetes. Before Insulin was discovered in 1922 Type 1 diabetes had been a dreadful disease with no hope of successful treatment. The use of insulin was an immediate success and it is now treatable but not curable. Those affected still need to check their glucose and insulin several times a day and ensure appropriate amounts of insulin are injected. This constant monitoring is particularly critical for young children who, of course, require considerable help.
There is a charity which sets out to provide help and advice for affected children and their carers. It also supports research aimed at improved drugs and treatment methods with the final aim being elimination of the condition.
if you are interested please visit their website at: